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Results for "main_practice: "Questing", latest_content: 1"
Halloween A meditation on Halloween as an important ritual that gives children the freedom to explore the dark.
The Key to Creativity Breaking old patterns to release creativity.
Eedoo A fantasy story that points to the gift of inner guidance.
Birthday of F. Scott Fitzgerald Celebrate the birthday of one of America's greatest writers and his views of the rich and the powerful.
If You are a Seeker A reflection on a seeker versus a true believer.
Barbie A sassy comedy that raises questions for people of all ages about what it means to frame your life as a quest.
The Gentle Art of Spiritual Discernment An introduction to self spiritual direction.
Birthday of Amelia Earhart Honoring Amelia Earhart, the heroic aviator, on her birthday.
Birthday of Henry David Thoreau (PDP) Quotes and epiphanies from America's first environmentalist.
Independence Day Practices exploring the significance of the Fourth of July.